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MTC Vodcasts

A Deep Dive Chat with Sophie Neate at ABB on Data, Trust, and the Green Marketer

Sophie Neate, Global Head of Digital Marketing and Content at ABB, shares insights on the evolving landscape of digital marketing, emphasising the importance of AI, data privacy, and ethical practices. With over 16 years of experience, she highlights the shift towards personalised, transparent strategies that enhance customer engagement and trust.

Fatima Rangwala [00:00:04.04] Hi friends, I'm your host, Fatima Rangwala, Strategic Content Head at Martech Cube. And welcome back to our MTC podcast series. Today we have a very dynamic and forward thinking guest, Sophie Neate, the Global Head of Digital Marketing and Content at ABB. She is a leading authority on customer centric marketing and joins us today to discuss topics like the rise of voice and visual search, brand adaptations to a cookie-less future shifts and attitudes, and the transformative impact of AI, VR and AR on content creation at ABB and in the world of digital marketing. Stay tuned for a fascinating discussion as Sophie shares her insights on optimizing the buying journey and using data ethically. She'll walk you through how to keep customers coming back and get the most of your data.

Let's hear it from her today. Sophie, thank you for joining us and welcome to the show.

Sophie Neate [00:01:07.24] Perfect. Thank you for having me.

Fatima Rangwala [00:01:10.14] Great. It's fantastic. I mean, you know, with over 16 years of work experience, Sophie, you've taken on key roles at Tabcorp, Quant Service, and now, of course at ABB, you bring a wealth of knowledge in product marketing, enterprise marketing and more. So kind of, if you can tell us a bit about your background and your current role at ABB.

Sophie Neate [00:01:33.17] Yeah, sure. So, as you mentioned, I have over 16 years’ experience in developing and executing comprehensive marketing strategies for complex organizations. As you mentioned, Tabcorp, Quant Service, which used to be ABB full service, and then obviously now my role at ABB, my expertise spans both in the B2B and B2C environments, but with a particular focus now on the B2B sector. In my current role at ABB. For those that don't know, ABB is a global technology leader in the engineering space. We are located in over 100 countries and I lead the digital and content marketing initiatives that are strategically aligned with our business and sustainability objectives. I also leverage digital strategies and data driven insights to position ABB's offerings in a way that resonates with our diverse customer base on a global scale, while also contributing to our broader commitment to societal impact. Over the course of my career, which, as I mentioned, has been 16 years, I have cultivated strong business and commercial acumen, which is enabling me to craft marketing strategies that are both effective and also responsible.

Sophie Neate [00:02:55.21] So a bit of a wrap up there around my skill setting capability, Fatima?

Fatima Rangwala[00:03:01.05] I mean, yeah, I mean, that's really impressive. And, you know, thank you for the background, Sophie. I bet you've got some great insights into how the industry is evolving in the current times. And you know, we are more than halfway through this year now, and with 2025 on the horizon, it's fascinating kind of, to see how much has transformed. That's A! B what are the kind of key trends and challenges shaping the digital marketing strategies today? I mean, if you can kind of share a real world example to help us visualize these changes.

Sophie Neate [00:03:35.10] Yeah, absolutely. So that's a big question. And I mean, the answer can be limitless. But I'd say, speaking from my experience, I'd say today's rapidly involving digital landscape, several significant trends and challenges are reshaping our marketing strategies. So this includes a rise of artificial intelligence and automation with also increased emphasis on data privacy and security. We all know that we need to put data privacy and security at the forefront of everything we do, not just in marketing, but all our digital online activities. Also the shift towards personalized and omnichannel experience and a growing focus on sustainability, sustainability and ethical marketing, which we'll get to in a minute. Each of these trends, as I just outlined, brings unique challenges, as we all know, which requires us marketers to adapt our strategies and innovate continuously. So speaking to an example which I say illustrates the changes is a recent campaign we ran at ABB. So given the growing emphasis on data privacy that I mentioned before, we were faced with the challenge in launching a lead generation campaign. Because as we know with marketing, it's all focused at the bottom of the funnel around that conversion. Lead generation emphasis.

Sophie Neate [00:04:50.01] So we were launching a lead generation campaign for a service line while ensuring compliance with GDPR and demonstrating, I'd say, respect for user privacy. Because as I mentioned before, no matter what we do from an online perspective, that should be at the forefront. So instead of relying on traditional gated content, as us marketers love to do, you know, marketing qualified leads are really important. We actually wanted to provide our users with, I'd say that personal information. Instead of doing gated content, we actually shifted our strategy to focus on creating value through freely accessible educational content. So this, for example, was, you know, white papers, blogs, and instead of, you know, getting customers to fill out their details to get their content, we actually provided that to them as a free asset. So we leverage tools to analyze user engagement patterns with this content. So tracking metrics, for example, like time spent content interactions and return visits, of course. So this created a, I'll say, a scoring model that indicated intent without compromising privacy. So while we were able to still, I'll say, measure our KPI's or have KPI's that were able to transition from a marketing lead to a sales lead.

Sophie Neate [00:06:12.02] We were also able to provide our customers content that they didn't have to fill out the information to get that, I'll say, value added resource. So this privacy first approach that we did allowed us to build a richer, more detailed understanding of our audience's interests and behaviors. And as a result, we were able to engage with potential leads at the right time. So, dependent on their stage in the journey, whether it was awareness, consideration and conversion, we were able to personalize their user journey, which achieved a 30% increase in engagement rates compared to utilizing campaigns with gated content. Because in all honesty, I believe that if customers want to contact you, they will, gated content or not. So I would advise that marketers moving forward should start to really transition from that gated marketing content to, I'd say, allowing content to be freely explored. And then furthermore, the transparency in how we handle data strengthened customer trust and enhanced our brand reputation. So while we are doing lead generation campaigns, we also need to be mindful of, I'd say, building that trust. And once we've got that trust of our customer, it obviously enhances our brand reputation, which overall leads into our lead generation phase and generating those opportunities and sales.

Sophie Neate [00:07:27.20] So therefore, I would actually say the takeaway from the question you asked me, Fatima, was that in order to succeed in this evolving landscape, marketers should embrace, responsibly prioritize transparency and that customer trust, and stay agile in our approach. So being proactive in addressing these trends and challenges will not only drive better results, but also help build stronger, more authentic relationships with our customers, which we all know is, I'd say, key.

Fatima Rangwala [00:07:57.14] Yeah, I mean, I think that's a very compelling point. And absolutely, I think, Sophie, I would agree with you. Personalization definitely creates deeper connections and it kind of enhances, you know, the user experience. I mean, if, if people feel and, you know, they're seen and they're understood, I mean, it fosters loyalty and engagement at no level. So, having said that, and that's, that's a very great way of looking at it, and it's also important to stay, you know, ahead of the curve. So now, speaking of advancements, you know, we've got voice and visual search technologies that we continually, we are advancing into it. And we kind of, and I discuss this mainly with a lot of thought leaders. How are digital marketers today optimizing their strategies for voice and visual search? I mean, there's so much happening in that field and that space with different devices and different technologies that are growing within that space. So how do you envision for the future?

Sophie Neate [00:09:01.10] Yeah, that's a great question. So I believe that this is prompting marketers to rethink their approach to search engine optimization. Also content creation and user experience, as you mentioned in our previous question, around solar and personalization, which is going to enhance the user experience, we really need to be mindful of this. So for example, marketers that are developing content which mirrors natural speech patterns. So instead of utilizing SEO keywords, we no longer focusing on that. We want to move more into that search GPT approach and basically mimic how natural speech patterns work. So this involves creating, for example, FAQ or frequently asked question pages, conversational blog posts. You know, I mentioned in our previous question around we develop thought leadership content or value add content such as white papers and blog posts, and also voice friendly content that addresses long tail, question based queries. Because as I mentioned, we're moving more away from that keyword SEO strategy to more search GPT driven. So utilizing, you know, as I mentioned, long tailed question based queries, because that is the natural way we or customers think and do our research. So for example, at ABB, we are just starting to adopt this approach.

Sophie Neate [00:10:23.07] So previously we were very traditional, as I mentioned, where we're utilizing SEO keyword initiatives. Now we're moving to, as I mentioned, more that search GPT strategies. So this reiterates the importance of local search GPT strategies as well. So while we are a global business, we have global high level strategies, but then we also, when we're doing SEO or search GPT strategies, we also focus on the local market and the local language that our customers will use, because we all know that a global approach doesn't apply. You know, we have to think local, but act global, if that makes sense. So that's why we are utilizing search GPT, but also applying that from a local perspective as opposed to just doing a blanket approach. So this is a real key adoption that we are doing. In addition, implementing schema markup, as we all know, that is to provide search engines with contextual information about the content, will also make content more likely to be featured in voice search results or answer boxes, for example. So for the future, it's all about technology. I know with Martech Cube, you know, your technology's at the forefront, but we must embrace technology as opposed to fight it.

Sophie Neate [00:11:35.02] You know, I always tell the team, don't try and employ technology that is just the latest trend. Employ technology that's going to add value to your business and embrace it. So, for example, AI assistance are growing in demand. You know, we use AI in some of our key platforms. It's growing in demand, as I mentioned, and popularity. Adopting AR will also allow your customers to better visualize their choices. So, for example, you know, you've got these shopping platforms if you're a B, two C company where customers can actually visualize what, for example, a lamp would look like in their lounge. So adopting technologies that will improve and enhance the customer experience. So if you enhance visual and voice search capabilities, which I outlined above, utilizing search GPT for more, I'd say long tail, question based queries, and also implementing AI activities where applicable, will make our, will make your brand and our brand experience more immersive and accessible for customers. So we understand, as marketers, we are all professionals. Once people visit your website, it's a 65% chance that they have already made their decision. So providing content like I just outlined before, where they are able to do their own research, is crucial when optimizing, I'll say, to deliver rich content that's going to allow more easily for them to access it and allow them to process information more efficiently.

Sophie Neate [00:13:00.19] So we need to be aware that we don't just rely on the skater content, we rely on them to visit our website. We need to provide these sorts of, I'd say, out of the box thinking in order for them to engage with our brand, and I'd say position us as thought leaders amongst our competitors. So those are, I'd say, the key things we need to adopt. But other key takeaways are also to invest in structural data, as I mentioned, create visual content, which I just outlined before with purpose. So don't just create content, just to create content. Create content and to provide that value for your customers in their research phase. And then also integrate voice and visual search strategies, like I mentioned, search GPT, for example, into your SEO initiative. So no longer focus on keyword initiatives, focus on search GPT, because that's where the world is heading from a digital perspective.

Fatima Rangwala [00:13:52.21] Perfect. I think that is a very good key takeaway. And definitely, I think the rise of smart speakers and virtual assistants, as you gave a recap, they are kind of just not a trend. Sophie, I think it's a fundamental shift now that we interact with technology and we seek that kind of information. I think this is a great takeaway for the key points that you mentioned and to all our listeners. Yeah. So very, very compelling point that you made is we focus on creating engaging and visually appealing content. I mean, I, as a marketer, would want something which is more interactive for me, just not on the website, but also on social media, on our phones, on the kind of devices that we use. And that's. That's growing into in power. But don't you think that, I mean, there's a flip side to this coin, and I would like to hear you out here. With all, all this data that's been collected, privacy concerns are something that, of course, you mentioned at the start of the chat, but then they are on the rise. They are on a spike. So is there a way for marketers and advertisers here to adapt their targeting strategies into.

Fatima Rangwala[00:15:12.23] We shift our question to a cookie less future. Now, that's the buzz that's happening around us. So what role do first party data and alternative identifiers play in reaching that kind of the audience effectively? You know, it's either way with ABM strategies or anything else that you can add on to please.

Sophie Neate [00:15:34.14] So I think, you know, as you mentioned, data privacy and GDPR policies are crucial, and we need to be respectful of that. You know, there is this whole debate around cookie having a cookie less world, so to speak. But, you know, I get to ask this question quite a bit. You know, how can we overcome that? Or how can we kind of, I'd say, adapt and work with it, so to speak. So, you know, the answer I give to my team is all around building stronger customer relationships. We've all heard of the, quote, customer is king. We need to live and breathe that. So not just really, I'd say, focus on digital activity. It is important, but we also need to build those stronger relationships. So brands that are enhancing the value proposition, so offering a more personalized experiences, which is, for example, exclusive content loyalty rewards in exchange for their data are going to do a lot better than, I'd say, brands that don't. So, because why is this? It's because it fosters trust and incentivizes users to share the information willingly. We don't want to really be holding our customers, you know, to the wall, so to speak, you know, forcing them to give data.

Sophie Neate [00:16:42.10] So we need to, I'd say, be respectful of their privacy and we need to, I'll say, as I mentioned, developed content or strategies that, you know, incentivize them and allows them to want to share their information. So, you know, we all work off incentivizations, right? I mean, you know, when we send out, let's just say, for example, surveys, you know, there's always what's in it for me? So we need to incentivize that. And we need to follow that same approach when we're dealing with cookies or when we're dealing with data privacy, for example. So again, just speaking of what we do at ABB, we're starting, as I mentioned before, starting to ungate our content. It's going to take some time to shift that mindset, but we are getting there. So as I mentioned, providing as much information to the consumer when they're in their research phase as we possibly can. So at the end of the day, as I mentioned before, if a customer wants to reach out to us, they will. There's no point gaging content that they're going to get frustrated with and therefore, I'd say reduces our brand, our brand emphasis or our brand reputation, so to speak.

Sophie Neate [00:17:43.03] So we need to give as much information and resources as we can. So when they get to the bottom of the funnel at that conversion stage, they are willing to give us that information because we've given them all these resources and value add content. So we need to think like that rather than just focusing on getting these marketing qualified leads. Because as I mentioned, they want to reach out to us. They will, you know, they're smart, right? So we need to, we need to think like they do. So therefore we tend to only gate, as I mentioned before, content for newsletters, for example. Because, you know, if they subscribe, they get, you know, they go into our nurturing journey. We're not expecting these leads to be warm when they subscribe to us over time. Once we provide all this value added content, like white papers, like blogs for example, FAQs, technical documentation, you know, the list goes on for example. So once we warm them up and when we get to the end of that journey, you know, going from awareness, consideration, conversion, then they are willing to give us that key information, for example.

Sophie Neate [00:18:44.02] So whether it be contact us forms, for example, those are the only real two assets that we like to gate, which is our contact us forms and our newsletter subscriptions, because this allows us to put them into our nurturing journey, which we warm up over time. So, you know, as I mentioned before, instead of relying on form fills to capture leads, you need to gather insight based on content consumption patterns. So engagement behavior, you know, revisit frequencies, you know, in addition, activity based on attribution is also a good KPI and is what we are starting to do here at ABB. So, you know, moving a more way from those marketing qualified lead thought process into more attribution. So for example, if they go to an event, they fill out details that they want to be contacted, again, giving them that choice. Then we are able to say, associate that engagement back to a particular campaign, if it's digital, for example, if it's online, and associate the, I'll say, the activity or the engagement behavior. So not just focusing on marketing qualified leads, but focusing on, as I mentioned before, the revisit frequencies. How often do they visit our websites, their engagement behavior, their consumption patterns, for example, but then also focusing on attribution.

Sophie Neate [00:20:01.02] So, you know, there's a lot of ways that you can do attribution, and one that we are starting to focus really heavily here at ABB. I'd say a second thing that we're doing at ABB is improving our data quality and accuracy. So we're investing robust data management platforms, or as we call them, dmps and customer data platforms. So to unify, clean and activate this data effectively, so our targeting is more precise and we are giving the customer what they want based on the engagement and preference, as opposed to, I'd say a scattergun approach. So say, for example, they first interact with us. We provide them with a wealth of knowledge, as I mentioned, and gated as they get further down the funnel. And if they engage with us, we have a lot of, I'd say, Martech data technology platforms that we utilize based on their engagement. So say, for example, they're from the food and beverage industry. If they visit our website and we understand that they are accessing more of that industry focused content the next time they visit or the next time that they engage with us, we tend to put to the forefront food and beverage content because it's relevant to their existing needs.

Sophie Neate [00:21:15.12] If, for example, that changes, we have those technologies that we're able to analyze. So again, it's really just understanding the customer journey. And there's lots of ways to do that. You know, through heat maps, for example, through, I'd say, the attribution that I mentioned before. So it's really important that dependent on the customer journey and where they are at their buying stage, we need to target, and I'd say, position relevant content dependent on their stage, not just think a scattergun approach is going to apply for all. So that's why I mentioned before, even though we're a global company, every single campaign or activity that we do, we have a local lens approach. So it's really important that, you know, we make sure our data is accurate so we understand our customers and where they are, but then also making sure that we provide that content that is freely accessible and only gating content such as contact us or newsletters, only those sort of, I'll say, assets to make sure that they are still part of our journey and that we can nurture them, but make everything else, such as white papers, you know, brochures, for example, ungated.

Sophie Neate [00:22:21.17] It's really key that you do that at the start of your marketing initiative or strategy.

Fatima Rangwala [00:22:27.24] Absolutely, Sophie. I think I would agree with that. I mean, the customer is at the heart of everything that we do. And this has been the guiding principle for a lot of marketers that drives our decisions. We shape people's lives, their entire user journey experience with us, and of course, we inspire them to create that kind of a meaningful, long lasting connection. So I think that. I wouldn't agree more. Sorry.

Sophie Neate [00:22:59.24] Yeah, and sorry for Fatima, just to add, I think, you know, for the future, I definitely believe that a deeper integration of AI and pattern recognition will be crucial. So I briefly touched on that. So, you know, for example, this means that AI will play a larger role, as we all know, with interpreting and activating first party data. So this allows brands to deliver, as I mentioned before, relevant experiences at scale without relying on third party tracking, such as, you know, cookies and everything like that. So we need to, as I mentioned before, technologies such as AI instead of, I'd say, be against it, so to speak.

Fatima Rangwala [00:23:35.22] Correct, correct. And that's exactly what I was getting to next. I mean, let's, let's talk more about, and technology is stepping up to the plate, of course, with not just AI, it's also the VR and AR. And as I mentioned earlier, you know, how it has been collecting this kind of data. How are we as users responsibly, kind of integrating, you know, this with our day to day lives and how are we giving that kind of a platform to our customers to help them step up with that technology and take that game ahead? So let's talk about AI, VR and AR. How are they shaking things up in the marketing world on a broader picture, you know?

Sophie Neate [00:24:18.13] Yeah, well, I can definitely talk to what ABB are doing. So, you know, with AI powered, it's all around, I'd say personalization, as we keep referencing throughout this conversation, it's all around customer experience and that personalization. Right. Because if you, I say, personalize campaigns to customers’ needs, you're going to get a lot better engagement than if you were to, as I mentioned before, do a scattergun approach. So, you know, AI have all, have all these algorithms which analyze user behaviors I mentioned before, and preferences, which enables us marketers to personalize content dynamically. You know, we utilize our campaigns, we utilize, as I mentioned before, technology that allows for dynamic content. So dependent on the which customers involved in certain industries, we're able to target content dynamically for them. Another example that we utilize in AI is around our SEO activities. So we have a tool called Bright Edge which we utilize their copilot, which is the AI tool to write content dynamically, dependent on certain keywords or as I mentioned, certain search GPT phrases, so to speak. And we can actually analyze based on what our competitors are doing, which I won't mention, but based on what our competitors are doing, and we can actually target content and create content that's going to resonate better with, you know, what our competitors doing, but then also what's going to resonate more with our customers.

Sophie Neate [00:25:41.21] So we rely heavily on that copilot for our AI powered personalization content strategy, so to speak. And then we then utilize that for our content dynamics around, you know, with, I'd say part of our marketing automation tool that we utilize. Moving on onto VR and AR, sorry, I think that's all around storytelling. So via AI enable brands, I feel, to go beyond that traditional visual contents by creating immersive, interactive experience. I gave an example before around if you're on a shopping website, you can actually visualize or you can actually put that product into your room. You can take a photo of your room and actually puts the product and what it will look like in your room. So certain things like that will enable that more enhanced user experience. So again, just talking about what we do at ABB, we use interactive landscapes. So if you go to our website, for example, we have interactive landscapes called smart societies. So a customer can actually visualize, you know, based on if they're in the food and beverage industry or the data center industry, they can actually go into our data center landscape and see how all our products interact dependent on which industry they're in.

Sophie Neate [00:26:58.17] We also utilize that interactive landscape, not just on our websites, but also at our events. So we can utilize this sort of technology in a multi-channel strategy. So this enables our customers, like I mentioned, to visualize their solutions required what it would look like in a live environment, so to speak. So it's super powerful and one that we're doing at ABB. So as I mentioned, it can be done websites on our website, we use it at events, but we also utilize it in meetings as well. So, you know, we can utilize VR where if a salesperson or sales representative isn't in a meeting, room with our customers. We can send them a link. They can link into our VR experience, and they can actually see, for example, if they're in the water and wastewater industry, what their solutions or what their needs would look like based on if it was in a live environment. So it's a super powerful tool and one that is utilized really successfully and one that, you know, with us being a global company, we utilize that heavily, I'd say, and one that we really rely on. So, yes, AI, as I mentioned, we utilize from a personalized perspective, but we're also, I'd say, evolving into this VR and AI for storytelling as well, because it's all about telling a story, getting your customers engaged, and empower them to want to be associated with a brand like ours.

Sophie Neate [00:28:18.04] For example, health.

Fatima Rangwala [00:28:19.21] I know, I know. That's a great breakdown. And we absolutely enjoy hearing what ABB, how they've been doing their campaigns, their products shift, and helping a lot of marketers out there. So great job with you folks at ABB. You're welcome. So I think about all the discussion that we've had, what boils me down to one question is the vast amount of data that's available. If you can touch upon and explain to our audience the kind of difference between predictive, the descriptive, prescriptive, and diagnostic analytics, you know, and how have they been so instrumental in measuring the success of all of these initiatives. Of course, for you, Sophie, at ABB, and entirely, you can, you can kind of have this as a complete coverage of whatever strategies that you apply throughout your career. But how are we, you know, measuring the success of so much that's happening with technology and how are we able to understand the output of these results?

Sophie Neate [00:29:30.00] Yeah, no, absolutely. So I follow the mantra, and I believe every marketing professional, no matter what level you're at, should follow the mantra of making decisions based on data. You know, you can't argue with stats, right? So, you know, as you mentioned, there's different types of data you can analyze. So, as you mentioned, descriptive analytics. So, you know, descriptive analytics, I'll say, analyzes historical data to understand what happened in the past. So, in my opinion, it's often used for creating reports and dashboards which showcase past performance. So, for example, I use descriptive analytics to generate monthly dashboards, you know, to communicate to the leadership team. So we utilize salesforce dashboards and also power bi, because Power BI, I say, encompasses multiple touch points, such as social media, data analytics, Google, for example. I mean, you know, website activity, it encompasses it onto one super dashboard. So we utilize that and I live and breathe that, so to speak. So as I mentioned, we utilize that to show key performance metrics such as campaign reach, conversion rates, for example, engagement opportunities, sales, and also, as I mentioned, the attribution. So this helps the leadership team gain a clear picture of the impact of ongoing marketing activities.

Sophie Neate [00:30:49.14] So that's just one example how I use descriptive analytics. So diagnostic analytics explores why something happened by identifying trends, patterns and correlations. So for example, with me, I applied diagnostics analytics to investigate a drop in website conversions that we recently experienced. Personally, I thought that this may have been a seasonal trend because we've just come out of the European summer. As I mentioned, ABB is a global business. We need to be mindful of seasonal trends. So I thought that the drop has been because of that, I put that diagnostic analytics to the test. So how by analyzing the user journey visualized through heat maps which are often utilized, we found that a change in the CTA's the call to action language led to increased bounce rates. So for example, on our websites, we were just being quite frank in saying talk to an expert, but we changed the CTA language to be for example, start your journey with us today, for example. And we found just changing those sorts of small things really improved our, I'd say, ability and engagement, which increased our time on page and reduced our bounce rate. So again, just understanding the difference in diagnostic analytics really improved our website performance or our time and visits to the page, for example, and of course restored our conversion rate rates.

Sophie Neate [00:32:16.15] Talking about predictive analytics, so it uses historical data and statistical models to predict future outcomes. So it helps forecast trends, I feel with user behavior and potential marketing opportunities. So I've used this approach when predicting which content, for example, topics will drive the most engagement based on historical consumption patterns. So we also, as I mentioned before, utilize bright edge and we utilize copilot, as I mentioned, which is the AI tool to develop this content that will resonate with customers search patterns. So as I mentioned, we see what the most search words are, or the most searched phrases, as I mentioned, are and then we develop that content based on that predictive analytics, what they will, what will resonate with them. So again, that's where we use predictive analytics. I'd say the last one is around prescriptive analytics. So as it says, it provides actionable recommendations by combining and from descriptive, diagnostic and predictive analytics. So for me, it suggests the best course of action based on the analysis. So I really utilize this, for example, when doing regional campaigns. So we utilize prescriptive analytics to recommend adjusting our paid advertising. So we dependent on, I'd say, what our key markets are, what our key objective is for certain campaigns, we allocate certain budget based on those performance, right.

Sophie Neate [00:33:42.19] So dependent on the engagement, dependent on what our own KPI's are, which helps us analyze where to associate the most spend. So this approach for me allowed me to, I'd say, produce a 20% increase in ROI by focusing more spend on our high performing channels. So, for example, you know, LinkedIn was performing really, really well for us, whereas for Google display it wasn't for a particular campaign. So as we know, Google display is utilized for awareness type campaigns. But because marketing play in the lead generation area, we decided to focus more of our budget on LinkedIn as opposed to display. So utilizing these prescriptive analytics really, really helped us to make that decision. So I would say by understanding and applying the right type of analytics that I just mentioned should be prescriptive, predictive, for example, diagnostic or descriptive analytics for each scenario that I mentioned above, marketers. So we can make more informed decision, optimize strategies, and ultimately drive business growth. So each analytical type that I just mentioned serves a distinct role in determining and turning raw data into valuable insights that inform both tactical and strategic initiatives. So again, going back to my point around making data driven decisions is really key and what I believe every marketer should use or follow, I don't think.

Fatima Rangwala [00:35:09.18] I wouldn’t agree more. So I think data is a powerful tool. I think so. And must be used responsibly. And this calls for my final segment, you know, of the discussion, and this is something I've been waiting for. And the first time that I'm doing this and asking this, you know, to a thought leader, the importance of ethical and sustainable marketing practices and the system. Best part of the discussion that I was waiting for. We move towards a data centric future now, and it's very imperative that ABB and brands like your enterprise adopt ethical and sustainable marketing practices. So, given your experience by far, how has the company approached ethical and sustainable marketing practices?

Sophie Neate [00:36:01.14] Yeah, that's, again, another good question. So at ABB, we're being very proactive in adopting ethical and sustainable marketing practices that align with our broader corporate responsibility and sustainability goals. So, you know, our approach to ethical and sustainable marketing is grounded in its commitment to transparency. So as I mentioned before, you got to be transparent with our customers respect for user privacy. So as I mentioned at the start, we're all about putting GDPR at the forefront of everything we do. But then also leveraging data in ways that add value to both customers and the society as well. So for example, we, ABB, place a high priority on data privacy and compliance with global standards such as GDP, as I mentioned before. So we do that, everything we do, we live and breathe. That's in our DNA, for example. So the company is clear about how we collected, for example, how we collect, use and protect customer data, ensuring all practices are transparent and in alignment with both regulatory and ethical standards. So secondly, marketing initiatives that we do often, I'd say, are designed to educate and inform, not just to sell. So as I mentioned, we provide that value add content that's going to educate our customers.

Sophie Neate [00:37:18.15] So by the time they come to our website, for example, they already have made up their mind and, you know, we're there to kind of help them along the journey. So we don't apply the approach of just sell, sell, sell. We want to provide our customers with value add content to educate them and nurture them along the journey. So this can be anything from webinars, white papers, as I mentioned, and other content formats provide such valuable insights into such analogy trends and best practices, for example. So I'd say the final thing is, all around our marketing campaigns are aligned with ABB's broader corporate social responsibility goals. So what this means is we promote not just the economic value of ABB's offerings, but also their, I'll say, positive societal and environmental impact. So as I mentioned before, this is all in our DNA, what we pride ourselves on, so to speak. So I guess then, you know, to your point, fatima, around, you know, advice. So what advice I'd give marketers to, look, I'll say, to balance business goals with responsible marketing. I feel that can be summarized into five key points, which is all around prioritizing data privacy and consumer consent.

Sophie Neate [00:38:28.17] So always prioritize user consent and transparency when collecting and using data. Inform customers about how their data is being used and provide them with the option to control it. We don't want to be in control, sorry, we want to be in control, but we want to give our customers that control as well. So with that, this builds trust and ensures compliance with, obviously, the privacy laws. Secondly, align marketing with ethical principles and core values. So what this means is establish a clear set of ethical principles that guide your marketing practices and ensures that they are aligned with your values or your organizational values. So communicate these principles not just externally, but communicate them internally first, before you roll it out externally. Because we want all of our team to be singing from the same hymn sheet, right you know, the third point is all around adopting sustainable messaging and product marketing. So highlight the sustainability aspects of your products or services in an authentic way. You know, avoid that greenwashing, for example, by being transparent about what your company is doing to reduce its environmental footprint. And, you know, where there is still room for improvement, for example, because customers can tell when you're not, when you're being, you know, transparent or not.

Sophie Neate [00:39:46.13] Right? So avoid that green washing and just kind of saying things, just to say things, actually mean what you say and use examples to back that up. I'd say the fourth point is emphasizing long term relationships over short term gain. This is probably, for me, a key thing that I pride myself on. Don't just focus on the short term journey, focus on the long term relationship. So build marketing strategies that prioritize long term relationships with customers over short term sales goals. So this means focusing on customer education, as I keep mentioning throughout this conversation, and delivering that value through content and focusing engagement rather than pushing the sales aggressively. So, as I mentioned, you know, when you're doing your marketing strategies, don't just focus on sell, sell, sell. Focus on educating and providing that thought leadership, value rich content, you know, to empower and give your customers that, I'd say, research insight into what your company is all about. That's really key. And again, one of the key things that I really follow when doing any digital marketing, I'll say the final thing is all around leveraging technology, but leveraging it responsibly. So, you know, we talked a lot about technology today.

Sophie Neate [00:41:00.12] So use AI, machine learning, for example, in data analytics, responsibly. Don't be, I'd say, candid with it. You need to understand the power because they are super powerful. You need to understand their power and the extent of them and use them respectfully. So ensure these technologies have been used to enhance the customer experience, not your experience, and enhance the customer experience, because customer is king without crossing ethical boundaries or infringing on user privacy. So I guess those are my key takeaways around, you know, being responsible and adopting ethical and sustainable marketing practices.

Fatima Rangwala [00:41:38.07] I know, and that's a great wrap up. You know, very well summed up, you know, in the end of the conversation, and Sophie, we, we do agree as marketers, I think Martech Cube really appreciates your time. What a fantastic conclusion. Thank you so much for your invaluable insights, for sharing all these tips and bits with our audience. We really appreciate. Thank you.

Sophie Neate [00:42:08.02] Thank you thank you for having me.

Fatima Rangwala [00:42:48] All right, folks, so that's a wrap up. We've had an incredible conversation today with the brilliant Sophie Neate about the future of marketing. Of course, as she says, from leveraging data analytics to prioritizing ethical practices, I think we've covered a lot of ground. And as we move forward, remember that understanding your customers, embracing the technology, is key. And do not forget the most important factor. It's the responsibility. Of course, data is a powerful tool, but it's only as good as how you use it. So use it ethically. Always keep your audience at the heart of your strategies. Stay informed, stay adaptable, and most importantly, stay human. Until next time, this is your host, Fatima, signing off from MTC.

By understanding and applying the right types of analytics—such as prescriptive, predictive, diagnostic, and descriptive analytics—marketers can make more informed decisions, optimise strategies, and ultimately drive business growth for each scenario mentioned above.

Sophie Neate
Global Head of Digital Marketing and Content, ABB
Sophie Neate, currently serves as the Global Head of Digital Marketing and Content at ABB. With over 16 years of experience, Sophie has held previous management positions at ABB, Tabcorp, and Quant Service (formerly ABB Full Service). She earned her BBS in Marketing from Massey University in New Zealand, and possesses a comprehensive skill set encompassing Product Marketing, Direct and Indirect Marketing, Marketing Management, Enterprise Marketing, and more.

Fatima Rangwala
Strategic Content Head, MartechCube
Fatima is a proficient content marketer with a fervor for effective communications, media planning, and the value of delivering compelling marketing, thought leadership, and value-enhancing editorial content narratives that robustly align with business goals. Her proficiency centers on collaborating with industry experts through storytelling to convey engaging insights.

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