
MarTech Interview with Mike Hauptman, CEO at Adlib

Get to know DSP solutions with expanded capabilities and zero minimum fees, prioritizing ease of use and affordability.
MarTech Interview

Mike, please provide a brief overview of AdLib and its unique position in the advertising software industry.

a. AdLib stands out in the advertising software industry by seamlessly connecting with top global DSPs through our MetaDSP. We offer analytics that ingest and normalize data from diverse DSPs and major media supply sources, providing consolidated reporting and actionable insights. Ad agencies, brands, and marketers choose AdLib as a workflow platform to reduce labor costs and eliminate errors & omissions. Our integrated, user-friendly UI and cross-channel media buying APIs streamline ad campaign setup and launch across top DSPs. AdLib differentiates by using best-in-class connections through larger DSPs, fostering healthy competition. Furthermore, our offering features zero contracts, zero minimums, and no new platforms, simplifying campaign requirements, labor costs, and setup time.

How did the concept of AdLib as a self-serve, pay-as-you-go programmatic platform come to your mind?

a. The concept of AdLib as a self-serve, pay-as-you-go programmatic platform originated from our experiences at MediaMath. We observed marketers grappling with accessing premium programmatic advertising platforms due to annual contracts and campaign minimums. These platforms demanded significant time and resources for campaign launch and management because of their complexity. Recognizing a market gap, we envisioned AdLib as an easy-to-access, easy-to-use platform with a global reach, removing barriers for marketers of all sizes.

Salesmark Global

In what ways is AdLib helping startups and scale-ups “punch above their weight” in the competitive advertising landscape?

a. AdLib empowers startups and scale-ups in the competitive advertising landscape by simplifying the complexities of DSP interfaces and campaign setups. Through a single interface and a suite of APIs, AdLib facilitates streamlined and automated cross-channel media buying, eliminating barriers like commercial commitments and large monthly spend minimums. The centralized dashboard allows users to plan, create, monitor, and optimize ad campaigns across multiple channels, offering an easy-to-use DSP that facilitates efficient campaign management and execution.

AdLib recently announced expanded capabilities, supporting YouTube, YouTube TV, Mobile App Install, etc. What motivated this expansion?

a. The expansion of AdLib’s capabilities was primarily driven by client demand. Clients sought broader platform access, including YouTube, exclusively available through Google. Additionally, there was a need to compete effectively in diverse campaign scenarios, such as mobile app installs. By partnering with mobile-first DSPs, we enhance our ability to provide clients with a broad spectrum of capabilities and achieve optimal campaign performance.

How do the expanded capabilities contribute to your commitment in providing easy-to-use DSP solutions with zero minimum fees?

a. The expanded capabilities align with our commitment to providing easy-to-use DSP solutions with zero minimum fees by serving as a comprehensive, easy-to-access single point of entry for the programmatic ecosystem. Connecting to major publishers like YouTube and partnering with leading DSPs ensures industry-leading results. This approach simplifies the user experience, reducing the burden on agencies to manage multiple platforms and ensuring accessibility for clients without the constraints of contracts and minimums.

AdLib emphasizes an integrated, easy-to-use UI and a suite of APIs. How does this approach streamline the setup and launch of ad campaigns?

a. AdLib’s approach streamlines the setup and launch of ad campaigns by providing users with a customizable interface and flexible APIs for cross-channel media buying. This design enables streamlined and automated media buying, data activation, and analytics. Users can spend less time on tedious tasks and more time focusing on driving strategic success for clients. AdLib’s commitment to user-friendly design ensures a seamless experience throughout the campaign setup and launch process.

The absence of contracts and minimums is a unique offering. How does your approach benefit companies in terms of campaign requirements, labor costs, and setup time?

a. AdLib’s unique offering of zero contracts and zero minimums significantly benefits companies by providing a single platform for accessing different DSPs, eliminating the need for commitments to each platform. This streamlined approach simplifies the user experience, reducing the burden on agencies to hire and train specialized staff. Automation handles error-prone and time-consuming tasks, minimizing labor costs and setup time. Ad agencies, brands, and marketers of all sizes leverage AdLib as a workflow platform to reduce labor costs, grow revenue streams, and eliminate costly errors & omissions.

Can you explain how AdLib integrates reporting from different DSP partners into its analytics suite?

a. AdLib Analytics seamlessly integrates reporting by ingesting and normalizing data from major global media supply sources. This integration ensures 24/7 access to consolidated reporting through a single dashboard. Additionally, AdLib allows the export of normalized metrics and performance data via API, facilitating the automatic push of data to FTP sites and S3 buckets. This comprehensive approach ensures that users have access to actionable insights and reporting from various DSP partners within the AdLib Analytics suite.

The AdLib Meta DSP platform was recently launched in beta with enhanced features. What specific enhancements and benefits does it offer to users?

a. AdLib Platform 2.0 introduces a range of enhancements and benefits, including a highly customizable Self-Service UI & APIs that power efficient workflows across various channels. Dynamic Budget Allocation enables AdLib to dynamically allocate budget towards the best-performing DSP or media source for any objective. Magic Ads automate banner ad creation in every size & format, eliminating activation bottlenecks and maximizing campaign reach and results. AdLib Audit serves as the system of record and automatically identifies and corrects any campaign errors or omissions between AdLib and external DSP and Media Buying platforms. AdLib Billing improves cash flow and reduces the risk of nonpayment by automatically invoicing and collecting client payments on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis via credit card, wire transfer, or ACH payment.

Lastly, can you share insights into the expanded and growing roster of global DSP partners supporting AdLib’s new capabilities?

a. AdLib currently supports campaigns running across leading DSPs such as Google DV360, Xandr/Microsoft, Comcast/Beeswax, Criteo, and AdForm. Expanding partnerships with Moloco and MediaMath are in the pipeline, emphasizing AdLib’s commitment to enhancing capabilities and global reach. The growing roster of DSP partners ensures that AdLib users have access to a diverse range of platforms, maximizing their flexibility and effectiveness in executing comprehensive and successful ad campaigns.

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Mike Hauptman, CEO at Adlib

Mike is a programmatic marketer with over 17 years of experience solving complex and large-scale technical business challenges for Fortune 500 brands, agencies, and advertisers. Prior to founding AdLib, Mike was one of the first 100 employees at MediaMath, where he held various roles, including VP of Technical Business Development and Global VP of Platform Integrations. LinkedIn.
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