Email Marketing

MarketEdge 2019 is Taking Clearwater Beach by Storm in its 3rd Year

The secret to creating a high-converting marketing campaign is this:

Incorporate cutting-edge marketing innovations into reliable marketing fundamentals that are proven to work

DirectMail2.0 is proud to announce the return of its 3rd annual event, MarketEdge 2019, which will be held from November 13th to 15th in beautiful Clearwater Beach, FL.

This event is created with DirectMail2.0’s strategic partners in mind, however it welcomes those who haven’t partnered, but are interested in experiencing the impact of combining the digital and direct mail marketing worlds.

In my 38 years in this business, this was the most focused and successful event I have attended. I have to say to our delight MarketEdge far exceeded our expectations. This conference is not only informative but also provides a social setting to communicate in a very informal environment.” – Bill Titus, SMS Direct MarketEdge 2019 will kick off on November 13th with daytime excursions with a segway tour, dolphin watch and more, followed by a sunset cocktail party. Enjoy the drinks, fresh air and delicious food while you meet and network with other marketing professionals, agency leaders, printers, mailers and business owners.

On November 14th & 15th, the event continues with educational seminars that feature leaders of both the physical and digital marketing worlds. This year, MarketEdge will have two tracks: Sales and Marketing.

Presentations include:

  • Proven insights on how to market yourself successfully as a printer in a digitally dominated world
  • The process of hiring strong and effective people for your business
  • How to bullet-proof your business for continued growth and success
  • Much more!

Our speakers are marketing and sales leaders with a proven track of success including:

Brad Kugler: CEO of DM2.0. He built several companies from the ground up, to the tune of $25 million per year in revenue.

Erica Switzer: VP of Partner Relations DM2.0. She helped the beta company for DM2.0 see a 70% increase in reorders and more than $1.2 million in additional revenue the first year.

Joy Gendusa: Founder and CEO of PostcardMania- the biggest and fastest growing direct mail postcard marketing company. She’s received multiple awards such as Tampa Bay’s CEO of The Year.

Patrick Valtin: CEO of New Era Management International, Inc. He’s trained more than 100,000 people in sales, marketing and leadership.

-Vick Tipnes: Founder and CEO of Blackstone Medial Services. He founded Blackstone in 2012 with $78 in his pocket and zero revenue and turned it into an Inc. 5000 company with 325% growth.

Additional guest speakers, ticket prices and full agenda can be found at

About DirectMail2.0

DirectMail2.0 is a fully integrated marketing solution for the clients of printers/mailers that combines the proven success of direct mail with in-demand features like online advertising and automated campaign tracking. With DirectMail2.0, direct mail companies can boost revenue and increase their clients’ response and ROI. For more information, visit:

MarketEdge 2019 is Taking Clearwater Beach by Storm in its 3rd Year

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