CMS & Web Experience Management

Boston Start-Up Delivers Breakthrough Technology for Pre-Live Digital Optimization

WEVO secures an additional $2M in funding for technology that enables digital marketers and agencies to pre-test digital campaigns
Boston Start-Up Delivers Breakthrough Technology for Pre-Live Digital Optimization

WEVO, the market leader in providing digital marketers the tools to optimize digital experiences before going live, announced today that is has closed a $2M financing round. The round, which was oversubscribed, marks the latest success for the company, which has experienced 153 percent growth over the last six months. In that time, it has added four Fortune 500 companies to its customer roster.

WEVO represents a paradigm shift for digital marketers and agencies, who have historically launched campaigns only to learn post-launch why they failed. WEVO has developed the only marketing technology platform that allows digital marketers and agencies to test concepts before launching marketing campaigns, enabling them to pinpoint pre-launch why they aren’t converting. WEVO blends artificial intelligence and human feedback to generate actionable recommendations for its customers, empowering them to create more effective digital experiences and significantly increase conversion rates. WEVO customers have increased conversion rates at an average of over 50 percent and as much as 200 percent, and seen revenue gains of more than $500M.

“WEVO is blazing a trail for digital marketers and agencies who are increasingly being pushed to produce better conversion results without much – if any – change in people resources or supporting technology,” Nitzan Shaer, co-founder and CEO, WEVO, said. “If insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, then today’s digital marketer can’t win because they are not being given the tools to do things differently.

“We are pleased with the completion of this round of funding and the capabilities it will help us add to our growth. We have seen incredible uptick in new clients over the last quarter and have already witnessed outstanding ROI from customers, who can now learn the issues and challenges with their website pre-launch. WEVO is a game changer for digital marketers and agencies.”

The new round of funding brings WEVO’s total to date to $3.6M. The company will use its most recent round of funding for accelerating growth and further product development.

About WEVO
WEVO is the first technology platform that optimizes digital experiences before you go live. Leveraging crowdsourced visitor insight and artificial intelligence, WEVO generates recommendations that have proven to significantly increase conversion. WEVO has successful experience working with companies in all sectors, including financial services, healthcare, and education.

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