Conversational AI enables TDG turn post-purchase into brand experience

The implementation of this complete customer engagement platform has enabled TDG to consolidate disparate systems, reduce costs, and develop deeper customer relationships and brand loyalty.
conversational ai platform, the leading Conversational AI Engagement Platform, through integration with STORIS, the leading provider of retail software solutions to home furnishings and appliance retailers, has enabled TDG to turn their post-purchase operation into a full brand experience, re-defining loyalty and driving more sales.

TDG had previously relied on four siloed solutions to manage the various stages of its customer lifecycle, but these failed to deliver the seamless end-to-end customer experience needed to foster loyalty and repeat business.

With, TDG was able to consolidate these separate solutions into a single platform for all customer engagement and fulfillment operations. The seamless integration of STORIS post-purchase data and, empowered TDG to provide a more effective and personalized post-purchase experience to their customers, resulting in:

  • An 85% increase in delivery confirmation rates, reducing costs and increasing customer experience levels.
  • A 239% increase in automated customer support chat, lowering costly human customer service interactions.
  • A 45% feedback rate on delivery experience, resulting in increased positive reviews.

“ represents a transformation for our business, giving us one platform to manage all customer interactions and providing all departments a complete line of sight for each of our customers,” says Norman Alegria, Director of Customer Service at The Dufresne Group (TDG). “The future of retail is relationship rather than transactional, and is helping TDG make that future into a reality.”

The integration of with STORIS has helped TDG build deeper, on-going customer relationships that drive more sales.

When we partnered with, we recognized the value of connecting STORIS’ robust post-purchase information with’s seamless-reputation and optimized last-mile logistics management,” says Todd Rutler, STORIS’ Product Services Manager.  “It is gratifying to see the transformational impact being realized at The Dufresne Group from our partnership with”

The automation and centralization of customer interactions has resulted in TDG re-aligning its fulfillment, sales and marketing around the customer, allowing it to uncover new sales and marketing opportunities.

“ creates truly customer-centric organizations, enabling them to foster a stronger connection with their customers and turn them into brand advocates and repeat buyers,” says Ralph Shulberg, General Manager North America at “With the help of STORIS, we are proud to have helped TDG achieve this and witness the immediate results regarding delivery confirmation rates, customer support automation and increased positive customer reviews.”

Now that the initial implementation is up and running, the companies are working on adding sales-related capabilities to the automated communications platform, in order to turn the phenomenal customer engagement levels into incremental sales.

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