Business/Customer Intelligence & Data Science

Confirmit Wins Gold Stevie® Award for Business Intelligence Solutions

Recognised for empowering better business decisions that drive better business outcomes

LONDON, UK, NEW YORK, NY and OSLO, Norway, 28 February 2019 — Confirmit has won the Gold Stevie® Award in the Business Intelligence Solution category in the 13th annual Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service.

The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service are the world’s top honours for customer service, contact centre, business development, and sales professionals. The Stevie Awards organisation stages seven of the world’s leading business awards programmes, including the prestigious American Business Awards® and International Business Awards®.

Confirmit was honoured for enabling organisations to drive real business change from their insights and feedback programmes by helping people make better decisions and then monitoring action to ensure that they have a positive impact on key business results.

This capability is underpinned by Confirmit’s engagement technologies that incorporate action management techniques, predictive analytics and machine learning. Businesses using Confirmit’s solutions can map and connect feedback and data sources, drive smarter decisions, and enable faster reactions. Most importantly, they can monitor the impact of action taken and help determine ROI. Two key technologies that help businesses see success include Confirmit Concept Miner and Confirmit Action Planner.

Concept Miner uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and advanced deep learning techniques to ensure quick and easy understanding of key insights that may be hidden within text data. Action Planner empowers companies to track and monitor the impact of initiatives on business results and drive viral change. These tools give every team member access to insight that informs smart decisions – and ensures everyone can see the impact of them – uncovering new best practices and avoiding repeat mistakes.

“Our aim is to empower our customers – not only leaders, but all team members – to make better business decisions every day,” said Michael Wooh, Chief Marketing Officer, Confirmit. “But with that power comes responsibility, so as well as supporting better decision making, Confirmit provides freedom within a framework. This means ensuring that everyone follows through with plans, actions are monitored, experiences are shared, and impact is measured. We congratulate all those nominated and are honoured to be recognised by the Stevie Awards.”

More than 2,700 nominations from organisations in 45 nations of all sizes and in virtually every industry were evaluated in this year’s competition. Winners were determined by the average scores of more than 150 professionals worldwide in seven specialised judging committees.

“All of the Stevie Award winners should be very proud of their achievements,” said Stevie Awards President and founder, Michael Gallagher. “Independent professionals around the world have agreed that their accomplishments are worthy of public recognition.”

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