Marketing Automation

2023 Marketing Automation Technology Value Matrix: Nucleus Research

Leaders in the Marketing Automation market include ActiveCampaign, Adobe, HubSpot, Oracle, Salesforce, and SugarCRM
marketing automation

In the last year, the marketing automation landscape has been reshaped by AI and ML with vendors rapidly adapting to maintain market leadership.

“The evolution of the marketing automation market is driven by advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and by shifting customer expectations and new practices in marketing​,” said Research Analyst Cameron Marsh. “These developments signify a major shift towards AI-driven, hyper-personalized, and omnichannel marketing strategies.”

Leading vendors are heavily focusing investment on AI, expanding to include features that can create customer profiles, predict demands, and improve customer experience. Vendors are also focusing on providing Digital Experience Platform technology and hyper-personalization capabilities such as AI and robotic process automation.

Leaders in this year’s Value Matrix deliver advanced functionality without sacrificing ease-of-use at scale. They include ActiveCampaign, Adobe, HubSpot, Oracle, Salesforce, and SugarCRM.

The Experts in this year’s Value Matrix are organizations that deliver value to customers with complex use cases through deep functionality and industry-specific capabilities. They include Acoustic, Demandbase, SAP, and SharpSpring.

Facilitators in this year’s Value Matrix deliver value through greater ease of use and quick implementation. These include Act-On, Keap, Mailchimp, and Zoho.

Core Providers deliver core capabilities for those organizations looking for a straightforward solution with quick time-to-value. This year’s Value Matrix Core Providers are Drip, Klaviyo, and Sendinblue.

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