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Unbounce 2024 Conversion Benchmark Report

Recent data from over 57 million landing page conversions confirms that complex copy is hurting conversion rates 62% more than in 2020

Key report findings include:

Unbounce, the global leader in landing page creation and optimization software, today released its 2024 Conversion Benchmark Report, an in-depth analysis of the very latest conversion trends. Analyzing proprietary Unbounce data from over 57 million conversions across multiple industries, the report provides critical insights for digital marketers and agencies that need simple but impactful ways to optimize landing page conversion rates and maximize ROI from paid media and email campaigns.

One of the most striking findings from the 2024 report is how complex landing page copy is driving down conversion rates. Culprits include difficult words, excessive reading time, word count, and reading level. Difficult words are most strongly linked to lower conversion rates, and it’s been getting worse. This year, the correlation between difficult words and declining conversions rates is 62% stronger than 2020. Research from The Science Survey reinforces that attention spans are declining, reporting that they have decreased from roughly 2.5 minutes in 2004 to just 47 seconds in 2024.

Most industries also see big spikes in conversion rates when copy is written at a lower reading level. Copy written at a 5th to 7th-grade level converts best across most industries at 11.1%—a 56% better conversion rate than pages written at an 8th and 9th grade level (7.1%) and twice that of professional-level writing (5.3%). According to Flesch scores, writing for 5th to 6th-grade levels means your copy should be easier to read than Harry Potter.

Other key findings in the 2024 report include:

1. Mobile drives nearly 5x more visitors, but desktop converts 8% better

      i.  Health and wellness, which converts 22% better on desktop but sees 7x more traffic from mobile devices.
      ii. Professional services, which converts 40% better on desktop but sees over 4x more traffic from mobile devices.

2. Email marketing is anything but dead

3. Instagram emerges as a THE channel for financial services

“The data in our 2024 report reveals remarkable insights including the importance of readability and shocking lack of investment in mobile-first landing pages relative to traffic volume, highlighting the importance of optimizing from all angles,” said Steve Oriola, CEO of Unbounce. “As consumer behavior continues to shift, these insights provide marketers with the data they need to take a strategic but simple approach to conversion rate optimization. This report offers a roadmap to help digital marketers strategize, budget, and execute small changes that will undoubtedly have a big impact on their company’s bottom line.”

The 2024 Conversion Benchmark Report offers a comprehensive look at conversion data across five key industries: Financial services, health and wellness, professional services, SaaS, and ecommerce. By analyzing the performance of different channels and the impact of factors like reading level and device type, the report seeks to go beyond simply presenting data and deliver actionable insights that marketers can leverage to get the most out of their marketing.

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