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Therap’s Business Intelligence Tools to provide better Insights

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Therap has designed the Business Intelligence dashboards to aggregate agency-wide data for insightful reports. Using this tool, provider agencies in Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) and the broader Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) settings are able to create meaningful aggregate data reports that allow identification of trends, execution of quality assurance activities, and assessment of overall agency performance in supporting individuals.

Organizations in the human services field can create visually impactful reports across several Business Intelligence dashboards from the captured aggregated data for use at various levels of an agency. Users can visualize the data easily with comparative graphs and charts to help identify trends as well as analyze outcomes which can then help determine quality assurance and assess overall agency performance. Therap’s intuitive Business Intelligence dashboards also help agencies to make data-driven decisions which can lead to informed decisions that affect individual outcomes. The reporting dashboards that are currently available for agencies are General Event Reports (GER/Incident Reports), Demographics, Health Tracking, Billing and Data Driven Outcomes (DDO). Each of these dashboards contain standard configurable reports based on the data that users need to view in order to assess agency performance.

Therap provides role-based access which can be extended to agency personnel and external stakeholders. Selective user access based on their roles promotes efficiency and strengthens accountability through enhanced communication. By using the Business Intelligence dashboard, agencies can create meaningful reports that can help them understand how efficiently and effectively they are providing services to the individuals they serve. This can further help them to identify areas where improvements are needed. The use of these dashboards allows agencies to aggregate multiple individuals’ goal progress across various data points for comparison with identified agency outcomes and objectives. This also helps users to measure personal outcomes and performance-based outcomes. In conclusion, assessing overall agency performance using Therap’s Business Intelligence tools can help organizations distinguish themselves as quality service providers in the industry.

For more information on Therap’s Business Intelligence tools, please visit

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