MarTech Cube

Scottsdale Based Xunami Launches their App – Video Marketing

Scottsdale based technology firm, Xunami, has officially launched their video marketing focused mobile based application tool. Designed for any business that utilizes video marketing as part of their overall marketing efforts, the app provides concepts, scripting, and teleprompter assisted recording and editing. Through the app, users will no longer have to hire a production staff or purchase expensive recording and editing equipment in order to utilize video marketing. Xunami does it all for you!

The brainchild of Scottsdale locals Jason Randolph and Chad Hawthorne, Xunami came to fruition after years spent in the mortgage and real estate space creating videos to be used across a variety of platforms. After witnessing firsthand, the amount of time, effort, and investment that people were spending to produce high-quality video marketing pieces, Jason and Chad put pen to paper and in a relatively short period of time, developed the Xunami app.

Says Chad of the app, “Launching an app normally takes upwards of 12 – 18 months minimum. We designed our app to meet the exact specifications of both the Apple and Android stores.” He continued, “By focusing on what it would take to be able to go live quickly, we sped up the process and were able to create a tool that will revolutionize the way people think of and implement their video marketing within a matter of months.”

Now live in both the Apple and Android stores, people are encouraged to download Xunami and start creating their own unique videos. No matter what type of business the users of the app are involved with, video marketing is the wave of the future and a cutting-edge way to share messaging with a large and wide range of consumers. With Xunami, users can submit a video that has been shot on a mobile device and it will be returned as a viable piece of video marketing to be used to promote the business through social media, email marketing, websites, and whatever else people may have in mind.