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Metricool Unveils 2024 Instagram Benchmark Report


Metricool, a social media management platform, published its fourth annual Instagram Benchmark Report. The 2024 report showcases data on how Instagram’s different content formats — Reels, Carousels and Stories — perform in terms of engagement and reach, and provides year-over-year comparative data.

Research shows that Instagram is dominating Facebook, its Meta sibling, when it comes to brand marketing spend. As brands and creators seek greater visibility on the social platform, understanding the differences in reach and engagement between the various posting methods offered on the app is crucial for effectively reaching target audiences and social campaign goals. Metricool’s study is designed to help social media managers, marketers and creators make informed decisions by comparing account sizes (measured by number of followers), benchmark average data, and identify areas of improvement such as posting frequency, reach, interactions, etc.

Stories are Brands’ Most Popular Format

Reels are the Star of Reach

Carousels Lead Engagement

Best Time to Post

“Based on the data we find in our annual reports over the years, by 2025, Instagram Reels will no longer be nice to have, but will be vital for brands to reach new users, while Stories will help retain and convert followers,” said Juan Pablo Tejela, CEO and Co-Founder of Metricool. “Social media managers, marketers, and creators should carefully consider how each posting format contributes to their goals of reach and engagement, and use these findings to craft impactful social strategies.”

In addition to the key findings, the report includes “Best Practices” for social media managers, marketers and creators to easily adapt to their brand or client’s strategy. To view the full 2024 Instagram Study, please visit:

Metricool analyzed 391,490 professional Instagram accounts that range from businesses to creators between January to June 2024, looking at feed posts, reels, stories, images, carousels, and reels from feed. This data was also compared to Metricool’s 2023 Instagram Study.

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