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Martech Interview with Founder and CEO, 5W Public Relations – Ronn Torossian


Ronn Torossian, Founder, and CEO of 5W Public Relations talks about the increasing importance of technology in PR and marketing communications.


“It can be a matter of trial and error to figure out what content will resonate with your consumers “

1. Tell us about your role in 5W Public Relations?
I founded 5W Public Relations in 2003 and it’s consumed me ever since. It’s like having another child. I’m a hands-on, intense, entrepreneur with a great team around me. I love what I do every single day.

2. Can you tell us about your journey into this market?
I happened into public relations. I always had an interest in psychology, law, and journalism, but none of those industries were able to draw me in. When I realized that PR was a mix of those three interests, I know I had found my career. As 5W continued to grow and sign new clients, we slowly began to acquire new business in new, non-traditional practice areas.

3. How do you think technology is upgrading marketing Sector?
Technology has allowed marketing to advance in ways we never could have imagined. The foundation of marketing, which is creativity, hasn’t changed, but the support that technology can provide boosts these campaigns and truly helps in providing results

4. How has technology contributed in the evaluation of marketing communication and Public Relations?

Technology has integrated seamlessly into our daily lives, and it has done the same to the communications field, in addition to strengthening our practices.

Our work is results-driven, and with the addition of new technologies, we’re collecting more data than ever before and finding more ways to easily analyze our results and what that really means for the clients in terms of reaching their goals.

5. Can you explain how your social media solutions empower marketing and PR professionals?
Social media is an invaluable addition to the communications field, and anyone who has not adapted to these platforms is behind. Social media can supply us with instant gratification, if you’re using the right tools within seconds of posting you’ll know the reach and impact of the content. This doesn’t have to cost a ton of money or take a lot of time and is a small indicator to whether your marketing efforts and ideas are working.

6. What tips would you like to give for effective public engagement?

It can be a matter of trial and error to figure out what content will resonate with your consumers.

I think finding a way to host a dialogue with your followers through posts is an excellent way to drive engagement. Ask them a question, and prompt them to leave a response in the comments.

7. What are your future predictions about the role of technology in PR sector?
Technology advances daily, and it would be a mistake to not advance alongside it. I think we’ll continue to see new technologies or new platforms that will be developed as an answer to the changing times and opportunities created. I’m certain that we’ll see a rise in new technologies as answers to new opportunities that have arisen through the coronavirus.

8. What advice would you like to give to the technology Start Ups?

Entrepreneurship is not easy, you’ll need to be your own biggest advocate.

If you want to see something succeed, you need to put the work in yourself. You need to make yourself available and make connections. You never know when or who will provide you with an opportunity that will make the difference.

9. What is the Digital innovation in sales technology according to you that will mark 2020?
While business used to be done in the boardroom, I think we’ll see an uptick in deals closing without ever meeting face to face. Artificial intelligence is going to play a huge role in representing a product or service when the client can’t experience it in person.

10. How do you prepare for an AI-Centric world?
We’re staying up to date with any AI advancements, and we’re getting creative with what can be, and where that fits into our practice. A lot of clients can benefit from integrating an AI experience into a campaign, so it’s exciting to get creative with what the future could hold.

11. What are the major developments you are planning, in recent time?
Right now we’re focusing on expanding our practice areas and taking advantage of new opportunities arising as a result of the changing times. We have a heavy focus on digital and virtual opportunities.

12. Can you tell us about your team and how it supports you?
5W Public Relations would not be successful without every member of my staff, and they show up every day ready to work regardless of the circumstances or what is thrown their way. They constantly impress me with their hard work and creativity.

13. What movie inspires you the most?
I’m actually more of a book person, I make it a priority to read daily. But, I love A Bronx Tale – im a boy from the Bronx after all. But there’s so many great movies I love. Of course my sales guys all love Glengarry GlenRoss – always be closing or you don’t get the coffee!!!

14. We have heard that you have a very joyful work culture, so can you share with us some of the fun pictures of your workplace?

15. Can you give us a glance of the applications you use on your phone?
My phone is filled with the apps I expect any entrepreneur or communications expert to use. My news app keeps me up to date on national and global news, but Twitter clues me into the conversations taking place surrounding those stories. I have LinkedIn which keeps me connected to my peers, and Slack which keeps me connected with 5W. I use Instagram to see what content brands are pushing, and of course how my peers are spending their time, especially now while we’re all staying distant.

Ronn Torossian is the founder and CEO of 5W Public Relations, one of the largest independently-owned PR firms in the United States. With over 20 years of experience crafting and executing powerful narratives, Torossian is one of America's most prolific and well-respected Public Relations professionals.

Since founding 5WPR in 2003, he has led the company's growth, overseeing more than 175 professionals in the company's headquarters in Manhattan. With clients spanning corporate, technology, consumer, and crisis, in addition to digital marketing and public affairs capabilities, 5WPR is regularly recognized as an industry leader and has been named "PR Agency of the Year" by the American Business Awards on multiple occasions.

5WPR is a top 10 independent, full-service PR agency in the U.S. known for cutting-edge programs that engage with businesses, issues, and ideas.
With offices in New York City, 5W has over 150 professionals serving clients in B2C; B2B; Digital Media. 5W's team of experts brings leading businesses a resourceful, bold, and results-driven approach to communications. The firm was founded in 2003 and has received numerous industry accolades including PR Agency of the Year, Digital/Social Media Campaign of the Year, PR Executive of the Year, Product Launch of the Year, Business to Business Program of the Year and others.

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