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Latest NPR story on geotargeting threatens the environment

Latest NPR story on geotargeting threatens the environment

Latest NPR story on geotargeting threatens the environment

Here’s latest NPR story where hospitals were geotargeted with personal injury attorneys to feed ads promoting lawsuits to the patients.

Most of the US-based companies are opposing the new GDPR rules and requirements as they consider them as burdensome. These firms are unresponsive regarding the GDPR and many of them have withdrawn from Europe. However, the shocker came when they came to know that certain versions of the European privacy policies are hitting the US market soon. The privacy is a big concern for the people. California is awaiting a ballot measure in this regard, which will take place in November.  Though California Consumer Privacy Act has similar data-privacy protect norms as GDPR, they are less burdensome.

In such a sensitive environment where privacy is a big concern, several stories of digital stalking, online abuse, and data security are making waves. The latest instance is an NPR story related to geofencing hospitals so as to send ads for personal injury lawyers.

According to the news, the patients sitting in emergency rooms or pain clinics in Philadelphia receives messages or rather mobile ads on their mobile phone that recommends them to seek the services of personal injury lawyers.  This news is making waves in the entire ecosystem. It highlights the fact that somebody is getting information in real-time about their critical condition. This story shows how sensitive health data is being misused just to sell the legal services.

The story presents the issue of the geotargeting emergency room with personal injury lawyers is an example of data breaches and depicts the plight of data security in this sensitive environment. It is an alarming story that depicts the kind of things that are happening all across the digital marketing space. Thus, it becomes extremely important to introduce stringent laws that protect personal data and ensure privacy. These stories emphasize the need to adopt the privacy laws and implement them efficaciously.

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