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Google Uncaps Vendor limit for its CMP, Funding Choices

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Google Uncaps Vendor limit for its CMP, Funding Choices

Google has recently bowed to the publisher’s pressure and has decided to uncap vendor limit for its consent management platform (CMP), Funding Choices. With this, the publishers can now obtain consent from multiple ad tech vendors. Previously Google had capped the CMP funding choices to 12 ad tech vendors.

Now the publishers can use the CMP tool to create and display a message which would ask the net surfers to consent to the use of cookies to show personalized ads for an unlimited number of vendors. Funding Choices was initiated as an anti-ad-blocking monetizing tool. Google has previously announced that it would use CMP to enable publishers to stay compliant with the consent gathering provision of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The publishers expressed their concern about the limiting of ad tech supply chain partners they could use. Google has currently issued a follow-up letter to the publishers where Bonita Stewart, vice president, global partnerships said, “We don’t want to control how you get consent. You have many options to get consent and pass that consent to Google. In terms of actual consent solutions, this is not a matter of one-size-fits-all. We have developed an option for publishers (Funding Choices) to consider and we are also supportive of publishers and ad technology providers using many different approaches to get consent.”

The marketers welcomed this move, and Eyal Katz, senior marketing manager for Namogoo’s GDPR Insights group, said, “It was a positive decision by Google and a step in the right direction for the digital publishing and ad tech industries as a whole.”

It was well understood that EU had placed a target on Google and the initial limiting Funding Choices and CMP to 12 vendors was not the right move. The previous GDPR was initiated to limit the power of clients to gain access to vendor information. The approach which Google commenced in capping CMP to 12 vendors was not a correct decision according to the publishers.

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