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Agencies Not Responding to Martech Needs of Marketers

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RSW/US, the nation’s leading outsourced agency new business firm for marketing agencies, just released the RSW 2021 Marketing Technology & Agency New Business Tools report.

You can download the survey here.

In the survey, we uncover concerning differences between what marketers say they will focus on relative to their marketing efforts, and what their agency counterparts are (not) doing.

We asked marketers to define the marketing challenges that worry them most.  The top responses focused on optimizing marketing spends, personalizing experiences, and looking at experiences in a more holistic way:

And when asked which marketing technology platforms their companies would likely adopt in the next 1-2 years, either via help from their agency, or on their own, the top responses were:

All very valid concerns among marketers and seemingly sound areas for them to be focusing on in the coming years.

The good news for agencies is marketers are spelling their needs out pretty clearly.

It is all right there, plain as day…now agencies just need to execute against it.

The bad news is only a small handful of agencies are steeped in the technology areas marketers seem to need most.

The tools least used by agencies are things that directly help address the needs and challenges of marketers.

Without a doubt, our marketing and advertising world is getting more complex by the day.

The need for marketing agencies to add value beyond the scope of what they produce for their clients is also growing by the day.

Marketing clients are being put under increasing pressure to deliver returns on their investments, faster than ever before.

And that investment includes their agencies. To define your clients’ needs, prioritize, and invest.

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