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5 ways in which IOT Marketing will impact Martech

IoT Marketing

The  Internet of Things(IoT) is going haywire. Every new device these days seems to be joining the bandwagon of IoT. IoT for marketing has been predicted to enter all the core areas of business very soon. According to the latest report, America’s IoT consumption market is likely to be doubled by 2022, as opposed to its current consumption. That in itself is a massive number when it comes to mass consumption especially in terms of technology. 

Marketers and martech providers are in an evergoing rush to exploit and thrive on IoT. IoT is one of the most engaging ways to extend customer engagement. It opens up the treasure latch of extremely rich customer data for hosting an email marketing strategy. It helps in creating campaigns that are more personalized.

Let us quickly dive into the top 5 ways in which IoT marketing will impact martech directly:

1. Personalize up a notch
Personalization is the demand of the hour and martech’s efficiency in aggregating data will redefine the future of marketing in many different ways. For ex – Let us consider a person X, who wants to start exercise afresh but does not want to join a gym and is more inclined towards the home-based workouts. Based on the prediction algorithm and seeing their highest active time, one can design a personalized email campaign strategy informing them of the home-based workout instructor offers and the aligned services which they can use to their betterment.

2. Cross-functional Actionability
Email marketers are mainly concerned about the template design that they are going to implement for their campaign. The more responsive the design, the better the chances of getting both attention and traction from the audience.

An IoT will help in multiplying the number of unique devices and channels for contending. Email strategy has to be optimized with respect to gaining maximum traction across all devices, be it desktops, laptops, tablets, mobiles, etc. It will do great wonders for your campaign if an IoT marketing strategist is brought onboard for planning the way ahead.

IoT is really going to provide a distinct advantage in terms of implementing a responsive design that is actionable across the most popular devices.

3. Transactional Technology
An IoT marketing strategy will create more data points than ever to work on the revenue generation and interest garnering activity of the prospects. It can dig deeper, through the device usage pattern, wearables, connected devices, and updates. This collective information can further be interlinked to give a highlighted scenario. The highlighted scenario will enhance the decision making of the customer. Martech companies and users can easily stay at the top of their game by thriving in transactional emails. This also brings the flexibility and scalability to the martech processes through which IoT arises. 

4. Inclination towards Edge computing
As the data that is being processed seemingly increases its expanse, we will witness an influx of challenges which are data-related and concern with their respective bandwidth and speeds. If we are familiar with the working of IoT, there is a lot of to and fro processing involved which will cause a hindrance due to the result of the data and file size accumulation. As a result, a lot more brands will turn towards edge computing, which deals with bringing the processed data and the pertaining procedural analytics a lot closer onto the device. This edge infrastructure will not only enhance the working of the martech applications and tools but also make sure that there are no storage-related issues.

5. Simplified Content Management
Until now we have seen that most of the top-notch content is hosted on conventional sites such as WordPress and Drupal. These sites have a rather conventional site design and do not allow the customers to have any rich or varied experiences. This is where IoT comes to the rescue. IoT will allow you to experiment with the current CMS and allow you to customize the CMS with an alliance with a RESTful API. 

This customized API-driven environment allows you to better distribute and present your content to any IoT device via API signals. Some examples of such instances are smart systems, automated cars, etc. Due to the centralization of the content it can also be reused which is a distinct advantage that IoT provides.


    Chandrima Samanta
    Content-Editor at MartechCube
    Chandrima is a Content management executive with a flair for creating high quality content irrespective of genre. She believes in crafting stories irrespective of genre and bringing them to a creative form. Prior to working for MartechCube she was a Business Analyst with Capgemini.

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